In a Lonely Place on 01-24-2020
The archipelago of smoke has moved off Bogie’s left shoulder. Now it’s a feeling of an archipelago, and it may find longer happiness in that unbordered state.
In a Lonely Place on 01-23-2020
If we’re going with Quantum Entanglement theory, as I’m inclined to do, then Rocco in the background and Thumper the shadow horse beside him in the curtains have by now surely exchanged enough molecules that they’re eternally connected. Before long…
In a Lonely Place on 01-22-2020
In a Lonely Place on 01-21-2020
Gloria’s cigarette needs some help. It looks as if it was desperately trying to become a finger, and thereby transcend itself, then blew its own head open in the process.
In a Lonely Place on 01-20-2020
At the back of her head is now a speck of highlighted hair, or some hallowed light which may have intentions of becoming a halo, which is concerning, because the only angel you can trust is a fallen angel, and…
In a Lonely Place on 01-19-2020
Today the smoke at his suit collar is pretending to be a South Pacific archipelago, and the smoke up from his hand, train tracks more or less parallel. They’re really getting into it. Archipelago! Train tracks! This is it! Whereas…